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Particulate Matter in Climbing and Boulder Gyms
Read more: Particulate Matter in Climbing and Boulder GymsIf you have ever been in a climbing or boulder gym, you may have seen that a lot of climbers use chalk powder (magnesium carbonate) to reduce the moisture on their hands and thereby increase their grip on…
Prediction of hazardous area for a hydrogen release
Read more: Prediction of hazardous area for a hydrogen releaseAbove a hydrogen concentration of more than 4 volume percent (the so-called lower flammability limit or LFL), the hydrogen-air mixture can be ignited and is therefore a potential risk.For safety reasons a hazardous area is usually defined as…
OpenFOAM: our cup of tea
Read more: OpenFOAM: our cup of teaWe frequently use OpenFOAM, an open-source software framework for computational methods based on the Finite Volume method. Although you can build your own solvers, it already comes with a range of different solvers for all kinds of fluid…
New Website!
Read more: New Website!Welcome to our newly designed website! In this blog we want to show you what keeps us busy, what’s new and provide you with interesting examples of the things we can simulate. So, if you are interested, you…
Multiphase Flow: water, oil and air
Read more: Multiphase Flow: water, oil and airWhat happens when you drop a volume of water in a container filled with a layer of oil? Well, you could perform an experiment… but we decided to simulate it instead. We used the new modular solver ‘multiphaseEuler’…